MEDLINE Co-Occurrences (MRCOC) Files



The records included in these files represent a static view of the data from the 2013AA UMLS release. No updates or changes have been made to the data since the files were created.


We have created a static archive of the AI/RHEUM (The Artificial Intelligence Rheumatology Consultant System), and CCPSS (The Canonical Clinical Problem Statement System) 2013AA UMLS release MRCOC.RRF records. The 2013AA UMLS release is the last UMLS release that included the MRCOC file. We have also created a static archive of the CUI, AUI, and UMLS Concept Names for all of the AI/RHEUM and CCPSS records from the 2013AA UMLS release MRCONSO.RRF file so you can identify the co-occurences with UMLS Concept Names if desired.

The AI/RHEUM co-occurrence data represent the co-occurrence of diseases and findings in the AI/RHEUM knowledge base, i.e., the diseases that co-occur with a particular finding and the findings that co-occur with a particular disease. Each disease/finding pair can co-occur only once in the AI/RHEUM knowledge base.

The CCPSS co-occurrence data is extracted from patient records and includes problem-problem co-occurrences (PP) within a patient record as well as problem-modifier co-occurrences (MP).


Readme file describing the layout and content of both download file.


AI/RHEUM and CCPSS entries from the 2013AA UMLS MRCOC.RRF file.


CUI, AUI, and UMLS Concept Name entries from the 2013AA UMLS MRCONSO.RRF file corresponding to the AI/RHEUM and CCPSS entries only.

  AI_CCPSS_UMLS_Concepts (155 KB)